Author: The Editors

Mail Buoy – April 2019

THUMBS DOWN FOR PFD PERSPECTIVE I just have to comment on the most recent The Dogwatch Mail Buoy conversation about pictures of kids without PFDs (“Thumbs Up For Depicted PFD Use,” March 2019). I found the editorial response to...

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News from the Helm – April 2019

DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Last month, we ran a letter from Hal Shanafield, his response to the question of renting vs. owning a sailboat. He referred to his experience at a yacht club and we erroneously printed the wrong name of...

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Dogwatch – March 2019

Dogwatch (n): For sailors, either of the 2-hour watch periods between 1600 and 2000; For journalists, the period after going to press when staff stand by in case breaking news warrants a late edition. Volume 2, No.5   Easy...

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News from the Helm – March 2019

Across the Bar, Margaret Roth (1922-2019) Margaret Roth died February 25 in Easton, Maryland. She was the legendary sailing first mate aboard several boats she and her husband, the late Hal Roth, cruised extensively over the...

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Mail Buoy – March 2019

THUMBS UP FOR SHOWING PFD USE Glad to see you’ve got a photo of a kid with a PFD on. Last year’s discussion on this topic was unnerving for me, and I was quite disappointed that some on your end defended the use of photos...

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News from the Helm – February 2019

CONSIDER BUYING USED Buying new often makes sense. But when you’re in the market for a boat part, take a minute to consider whether that part is likely to be found used at a consignment or surplus store. I remember each year...

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Mail Buoy – February 2019

IN PRAISE OF THE DIY BOATYARD Last month I put it to the readers about DIY boatyards. Do you prefer these yards? Are you willing to pay more in lay-day rates to use a DIY yard? Do you have a favorite DIY yard? It wasn’t a very...

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Dogwatch – February 2019

  Dogwatch (n): For sailors, either of the 2-hour watch periods between 1600 and 2000; For journalists, the period after going to press when staff stand by in case breaking news warrants a late edition. Volume 2, No. 4...

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Mail Buoy – January 2019

DRONE LEGALITY You asked about reader experience with drones (“Put It to the Readers,” The Dogwatch, September 2018). I can say that launching a drone from a boat under sail is not easy, because of wind variations and the...

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News from the Helm – January 2019

WANT TO BE A GOOD OLD BOAT BOAT REVIEWER? Are you familiar with the comprehensive boat review we feature at the start of each issue of Good Old Boat magazine? We have a small team of marine freelance writers who draft those for...

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