As a contributing editor with Good Old Boat, Gregg Nestor continues to impress us with the breadth of his sailing skills and the depth of his knowledge. Now he has shown us another impressive quality: an amazing creativity.
A couple of years ago, while on a cruise in the Caribbean, Gregg had an idea that has evolved into a young person’s sailing adventure like no other. It’s one part picture book, one part game, and one part educational tool. Called All Hands on Deck: Become Part of a Caribbean Sailing Adventure, this interactive book should be capable of captivating older children, teenagers, and adults alike.
Did I mention that Gregg’s a very good photographer too? The full-color photos on every page in this book are vivid and compelling. They draw readers in, and the interactive nature of the book keeps them there.
Start on one page which brings you to a decision point. One choice takes you to Page 12. Another takes you to Page 7. Seamanship points are awarded for good decisions and deducted for bad choices (even if the weather turns against you and it’s not your fault). That is the way it goes when sailing, isn’t it?
And so you work your way randomly through a book with brilliant images of the Caribbean collecting and losing points (if you’re competitive or enjoy the challenge) or simply navigating through the changing story as your choices dictate and enjoying the cruise with its pleasures and mishaps (if collecting points is not your thing).
There are moments aboard any cruising sailboat when the parents are feeling the most serene, but a kid’s attention will wander. As I recall, “boring!” is the phrase that accompanies this lack of ongoing stimulation. The next time you hear that exclamation, pull out All Hands on Deck and see what happens next. I’m willing to bet that serenity will be restored by a small book that can be enjoyed by one or a group. No age limitation. No previous experience necessary. No batteries required. It doesn’t beep, or ding, or play tinny recorded voices., What new talent will Gregg Nestor reveal next? Your guess is as good as mine. Please turn the page…