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by Philip Knowles
Published: November 17, 2019 (5 years ago)
Northern Illinois

I am interested in a 35-45 foot cruising boat project located in the midwest.

Going to retire in 3-5 years and when I do I am planning on going sailing!  Planning to start with the Great Loop route and then the Gulf/Keys so relatively shallow draft is a plus.

I am highly skilled in diesel mechanics, welding and woodworking though I am NOT looking for a wooden boat.  Not so skilled with Fiberglass or sails/sewing.

I have the project management skills, time, money and workshop space to bring the right project back to life and see it through to completion.  Trying to avoid selling my current (smaller) boat and missing out on a lot of summer sailing over the next few years.


Just seeing what might be out there……Thanks!